The boys arrived on December 10 at 8:00 amd 8:01 pm via c-section. Alex weighed in at 5lbs 5 oz and Cameron at 5lbs 10 oz. They were born at 35 weeks 3 days gestation and taken to the NICU after I got a quick. Ok, I'll start the birth story and see how far I get and will continue later if needed, so here goes:
I was fighting this MISERABLE cold for about a week and a half, complete with fever, cough, congestion, but not quite high enough to call my OB. Halfway through the week, Larry caught it too and we were both miserable and non-functioning so my my took all 3 of the kids(yes, she is a saint) on Friday night and was going to return them Saturday evening. At around noon on Saturday, still feeling crappy and not feeling as much baby movement, so put in a call to the hospital and the nurse said to come in to be checked out.
After grabbing my suitcase(just in case) and picking up the house, we started the 2 hour drive to the hospital. When we arrived we waited forever and finally got called back where the triage nurse tried to quickly clear a room for me. This was around 4pm. The boys looked good on the monitor and the on call doctor wrote me some prescriptions and was about to start IV fluids for an hour and send me home. Well,I started contracting. The nurse calls doctor back to let him know and see if she can check me. I was 50% effaced and 2 cm dialated. Since I was contracting, I was transferred upstairs to L&D for the night for monitoring. Doctor was pretty sure we weren't delivering that night, but started having strong contractions about 2-3 minutes apart.
The doctor comes back saying we're having babies tonight and signed the consent for the c-section. I was quickly pumped with IV fluids and wheeled into the OR about an hour later. Things happened VERY quickly. Larry agreed to have my mom be there with us, but was kinda upset my doctor wasn't on call. Anyway, my doctor calls the hospital asking if they are delivering "his" twins tonight and told them to call when I was getting my epidural and he was coming to deliver them. He was hosting his staff Christmas party at his house and left to take care of my babies and me saying "if you're driving 2 hours to see me, I wasn't going to miss the birth."
After the epidural, I was a bit shaky from nerves but didn't even notice when he started cutting me. Before I knew it, Alex was here, followed by Cameron a minute later. They held up each baby for me to get a quick peak at before taking them to a room over to be worked on. After I was stitched up, I was taken outside and got to quickly hold both babies and then they were taken to the NICU and me to recovery.
I had some complications with toxemia after the birth and it got scary for a while. The nurse politely escorted my visitors out to try to get my heart rate down so she wouldn't have to put me on some kind of medicine(magnesium maybe?) because she said it would make me feel awful. After a few hours, I stablized and was brought to a room where I was so thirsty I drank til I threw up(sorry if TMI) and continued drinking for most of the night.
Sometime the next afternoon I made my way to the NICU for the first time to see my boys. They needed breathing assistance, but no vents, thank God. About a week later they were moved from the NICU to special care nursery and now we are waiting on them to eat and grow before we can bring them home. It's very possible Alex will be finally coming home tomorrow and Cameron shouldn't be far behind as soon as he starts eating better.
Oh yeah, doctors did bloodwork and they are identical!
Sorry for the long abscense,but hope these pictures will make up for it:
Cameron left, Alex Right

Mommy, daddy and twin boys.