Things are ok, not great but ok. 3 yr old gets caught hitting Smiley a lot, so staying on him and watching them closely. Don't know if I can commit to adopting both at this point though.
Just giving a quick update. Got to go before they tear the house apart.
Just giving a quick update. Got to go before they tear the house apart.
At 3:51 PM,
StarfishMom said…
Do they expect you to commit to adopting??? I'm sorry that Smiley is being bullied. Do you think it's the 3.5 year old's personality or an adjustment period??? You're doing a great thing. Do the best you can until the 'grace' is gone. Thinking of you here in NY...
At 7:12 PM,
Ms. J said…
Thanks for the update. Been wondering about you. Since we accepted referral of baby from China we have gotten calls from our local agency for a 2 year old boy and (just yesterday) a 3 year old boy. Grrrr. We can't accept any more children right now or China won't permit us to bring our little girl home. Feeling like "when it rains it pours."
We are going domestic for kid #2 someday, and I am CERTAIN I will be getting in touch with you for advice and support (esp. on termination of parental rights, and post-placement adjustments) when that happens!!!
At 7:16 PM,
Happy Mama to Three said…
You have my prayers as you try to help these little people. I hope that soon Smiley is no longer getting bullied. I know he is your top priority. Hang in there. I hope they don't tear the house down any time soon.
At 7:25 AM,
Marie said…
I have read your blog for one week and I laughed and cried and have such respect for you and your husband. You are doing a great thing. Smiley is adorable.
At 8:10 AM,
Sparks said…
I'm glad that things are going ok with the boys. Its probably just an adjustment period for the older one. How long were they at the other homes before being moved? Maybe thats to much info to share, but they might of not ever started to feel safe so he acted out and they gave up to fast. I'm praying that he starts to settle down for you, and that things continue to get better.
At 8:53 AM,
Misti said…
I just came across your site and started reading from day 1. You and your husband are such an inspiration to others! Thanks for sharing your experiences. Keeping you in my prayers.
Also, I would love to be added to the Palace if possible.
At 6:45 AM,
Sparks said…
Haven't heard anything in awhile. How are things going now??
At 12:46 PM,
Julie said…
Lisa- I am tagging you! :)
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