G Is Leaving
I never imagined the day I'd have to let a child go. G's former foster mom has told us repeatedly she would take one or both boys if we couldn't handle them. When she called yesterday, I asked if she was still willing to take G back. She said yes. He will be moving back with his "Nannie" Friday. I don't want to get into all the details, but he was not good for my other children in the home and with his Nannie offering to take him(and says she's done after him), he would have the best chance of thriving with one on one mommy and daddy time and not having to share the spotlight. L is taking it hard. I feel bad, but it's best for our family (and my sanity). While we had him, we were able to get him set up with a psychiatrist(his prior ped would not do this) for the end of this month.
In other news, I called to check on Princess' mom. I bet you all know what she's having....she's having a boy! lol! They are monitoring her pg well and I asked if they were checking his heart and she said yes. She said she's been clean 17 mos and took a couple weeks off work when her brother died. She hasn't called because she lost our number. The way her speech sounded may not be from drugs. I believe it's from years of smoking. I really hope she is trully clean.
Saturday I had a nice surprise birthday party. Only Runergirl showed up, and my parents, but those are the only important people in my life anyway. Plus, I got to cuddle her two precious babies..aren't you jealous? Oh, yearh, I turned 29...30's creaping up on me fast.
In other news, I called to check on Princess' mom. I bet you all know what she's having....she's having a boy! lol! They are monitoring her pg well and I asked if they were checking his heart and she said yes. She said she's been clean 17 mos and took a couple weeks off work when her brother died. She hasn't called because she lost our number. The way her speech sounded may not be from drugs. I believe it's from years of smoking. I really hope she is trully clean.
Saturday I had a nice surprise birthday party. Only Runergirl showed up, and my parents, but those are the only important people in my life anyway. Plus, I got to cuddle her two precious babies..aren't you jealous? Oh, yearh, I turned 29...30's creaping up on me fast.
At 12:44 PM,
Sparks said…
Happy late birthday!! I'm glad you had a good day. So sorry that you have to let G go, but you know what is best for your family. I hope that the change for him will be a positive one, God knows he needs one. How is the younger one doing?
Princess' mom, is she going to try and keep this one? I'm just guessing since she is staying clean.
At 6:45 PM,
happyadoptingmom said…
I am sorry it did not work out. I am sure you are doing what is best for G and your family. Will you take princess' mom's baby if he is taken into care?
At 7:55 PM,
Rachel said…
I'm sorry to hear that you weren't able to sort things out so that G could stay. Even though it's "best" for your family, I'm sure it is also heartbreaking.
At 8:42 PM,
Leah Wentzel said…
Hi...I'm Leah. My husband and I are getting ready to embark on the adventure you have been on for the past few years.
I just spent most of my day reading your blog from your first post all the way to the most recent.
I just wanted to say Thank you...from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I got to look into what the future may hold for us and I don't know what to think of it but I am truly thankful for people like you who do what you do and share it with all of us.
Thank you SOOOO much.
At 10:36 PM,
Happy Mama to Three said…
Sometimes it is heartbreaking to make the choices that seem best for our children. Sometimes we love them enough to be able to do what is best for them not necessarily what we want or they want. I hope that L adjusts quickly and benefits from the change.
I think that your interest in Princess' mom is probably an incredibly important thing for her. An expression of love that is probably quite rare for her. I hope that she continues to do well and this new baby is born healthy and drug free.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! belatedly but none the less very sincere. Too bad we aren't all closer or you would have had more guests that you would know how to handle.
I hope that life evens out with G getting one on one care and you having a bit more peace.
You are in my prayers.
At 8:59 AM,
Christina said…
I am sorry that it didn't work out with G. That is coincedentally how we were blessed with our son. He could not handle being around other children, and needed a lot of 1:1 TLC. We were able to give it, and now he is a wonderful blooming 7 yo.
At 10:34 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
It is hard when you have to move some one ,,, I once had a good friend who said... WHEN YOU KEEP THEM IN YOUR HOME BECAUSE IT IS SO HARD TO LET THEM GO REMEMBER YOU ARE ONLY HURTING THEM MORE BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT GETTING THE HELP SOME ONE ELSE CAN GIVE THEM. SO ALL HURTS and life calms down and the once left on the shelf when that one is acting out suffers,,, yoru birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY if I was invited I might have been there... ok maybe not but I woudl have tryed.
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