Bubbles is gone.
She did not go home, but caseworker lied to the judge saying we wouldn't take her brother and he ordered them together, so they moved her. They didn't even consider the bonding she had to us and her brother Smiley, but only her biological brother she's see 2-3 times for an hour.
We could have fought it and took them both, but a new judge ordered visits increased to 3 times a week! He lumped the two cases together, so basically, they get a fresh start and the 9 months Bubbles has been in care is erased! Bubbles was already dealing with severe diarehea from the last visit(were suspecting salmonella from the iguana they bring to the visits).
It was a decision I had to make for my family. Smiley still has a few surgeries to go and I can't be exposing the rest of my family to all these illnesses because caseworker doesn't have the balls to tell dad to leave the lizard home!
What they did was SO wrong but with caseworker lying to the judge about us AGAIN, it's only a matter of time before they make up accusations against us and take Smiley because of it. Everyone was working against us.
I absolutely will not take any more kids from our parish. I can't work with people who support reunification with drug dealers!
She did not go home, but caseworker lied to the judge saying we wouldn't take her brother and he ordered them together, so they moved her. They didn't even consider the bonding she had to us and her brother Smiley, but only her biological brother she's see 2-3 times for an hour.
We could have fought it and took them both, but a new judge ordered visits increased to 3 times a week! He lumped the two cases together, so basically, they get a fresh start and the 9 months Bubbles has been in care is erased! Bubbles was already dealing with severe diarehea from the last visit(were suspecting salmonella from the iguana they bring to the visits).
It was a decision I had to make for my family. Smiley still has a few surgeries to go and I can't be exposing the rest of my family to all these illnesses because caseworker doesn't have the balls to tell dad to leave the lizard home!
What they did was SO wrong but with caseworker lying to the judge about us AGAIN, it's only a matter of time before they make up accusations against us and take Smiley because of it. Everyone was working against us.
I absolutely will not take any more kids from our parish. I can't work with people who support reunification with drug dealers!
At 7:50 AM,
Jo said…
I'm so sorry to hear this! {{HUGS}} It is not right what the system does to these kids and that these parents get all the rights and kids get none. My heart goes out to you.
At 8:11 AM,
Laurie said…
SHOCK!! I am so sorry that this has happened to you guys and to bubbles. What a horrible horrible person to do this to good people who care and want to make a difference. I'm sure you did the right thing for your family. You can only do what you can do when everyone is working against you. Keep your son safe. He is the one you do have control over.
Thinking of you guys.
At 9:07 AM,
TeamWinks said…
I didn't see that one coming. I'm sooo sorry. I'm dumbfounded.
At 9:34 AM,
Unknown said…
I am so sorry! I don't understand how caseworkers can lie and drug dealers who obviously can not care for children get to be reunited with them. My heart hurts for you. I hope that you find peace and comfort in the future.
At 9:54 AM,
Julie said…
I am so very sorry. I know how heaty broken you must be. :( ... I will keep you, Bubbles, and her brother in my prayers.
At 11:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm stunned...and so sorry. I just don't understand that caseworker at all!
At 1:10 PM,
Marthavmuffin said…
I am so shocked and saddened for you. I am sorry you aren't here in my county where the judge would never do something like that to a child or to foster parents.
At 1:35 PM,
Tamara said…
Oh Lisa, I'm shocked. Stunned. My heart goes out to you guys. You are right - your son is YOURS and to think of him first is what you had to do. Sounds like there are major team problems with workers in your parish. I'll be praying for you as you cope. Again, I am very , very sorry to hear about all this.
At 4:42 PM,
Lisa said…
I know many people thought I was against reunification so I could adopt her. Now that I will definately not have a chance to adopt her, I hope we've fought hard enough to where she will never have to be returned to these people and remain in a safe, loving adoptive home one day.
At 7:29 PM,
sunshine1178 said…
Oh my gosh! It's hard to understand why things have happened this way. I do hope that Bubbles and her brother can grow up together in a safe home. How heart-wrenching for you, though! :(
At 7:35 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
OMGoodness how on earth can these stupid people do these things even after all these years. I am so sorry that happened adn I woudl not take any from there ever again either... I am just in shock at the system
At 10:04 PM,
happyadoptingmom said…
I am so saddened for you. You do not deserve to be treated this way and poor bubbles does not deserve to have her life flipped upside down again. I cannot imagine how sad bubbles and smiley must be missing each other and not understanding.
At 10:07 PM,
Rachel said…
How terrible and awful! For you, for Bubbles ... for whomever is saddled with the bio parents. Ugh. I support you fully in making a tough choice -- it sucks that you had to do it.
What is UP with "the system" punishing people like you, again and again, for doing the right thing??
At 2:03 PM,
Queen of the House said…
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear this news!!! The system, is awful. I completely understand, we've been in your shoes before. (((((HUGE HUGS))))) Poor Bubbles must be so scared. :-( My heart goes out to all of you.
At 5:53 PM,
Runergirl said…
CAll me if you need me. I am always here for you!
At 6:05 PM,
-gwyn said…
Hugs. We are praying for you. Wha happened just doesn't make sense.
At 8:13 PM,
AA said…
I am so sorry. I will never be able to go into foster care after reading all the foster blogs I read now. You are only one of several that face the same problems and issues.. with lying case workers, crazy decisions, decisions that make no sense for he kids, etc.
At 5:08 AM,
Amanda said…
Oh my goodness, Lisa. I am so sorry - what a shock.
At 6:58 AM,
mom to three great kids said…
My heart goes out to you and your family...Stay strong for Smiley...God Bless!
At 9:40 AM,
Julie said…
I am so sorry- i am just dumbfounded that this happened- but totally understand your feelings!!! I hope and pray that the grief passes quickly and you can focus. I am just sad- for you- totally- sad- for bubbles- and just pray that God will protect her!! Hang in there! HUGGSSSS!!!
At 12:47 PM,
krueth said…
I am so sorry for you. What a shock...I don't understand how the people who are to do the best for the children can lie and make things worse for them. Praying for you Wendy
At 8:09 PM,
Happy Mama to Three said…
Why do so many workers do all it takes just to make their own job easier? If she gets both of them in with one of her "preferred" foster homes then it certainly makes it simple huh? It simply is amazing that what it is in the best interest of the child doesn't matter at all! How very very sad. I am so sorry that Bubbles has had to go back to such a hard situation for her. We can all hope that she doesn't say sick continuously now that she is within their reach. Oh I just want to cry and cry. I hope that Smiley isn't badly effected by this and that he keeps being the same wonderful little Smiley man he is.
You are in my prayers.
At 10:09 AM,
KrazyMom said…
Oh, I am sooo sorry! And these are supposed to be the people looking out for Bubbles' best interest?? It is a shame!
At 7:53 AM,
Julie said…
Hey- what is the status on the older boy you were considering?
At 8:49 AM,
Welshie said…
I am so upset by this. Your hearts must be breaking in two. What is wrong with these people that they are so la with these childrens emotions. Thinking of you both..
At 3:26 PM,
Heather@To Sow a Seed said…
No words. None at all. Just prayers for Bubbles, that someone in the legal system will make the choices that need to be made to protect this little one.
At 7:02 PM,
GLouise said…
UGGG! I am so sorry about this!!!! Thinking of you.
At 5:28 AM,
FosterMommy said…
I'm so very sorry that they're messing up Bubbles' life like this. I hate how children are treated like property - by the county and, often, by the bio-parents. It's just so very wrong.
I hope, though, that Bubbles and her brother find a permanent, safe home soon.
At 7:34 PM,
Momma chaos said…
OMG, I am sooo very sorry! I can't imagine how hard this must have been! Stupid CWs! I can't stnad how two faced so many of them are and how they do not really look out for the CHILD's best interest! ugh!! I'm so sorry!
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