I want to do it myself!!
My baby girl is getting to be so independent. I was feeding Bubbles this evening, then stopped to give Smiley a bite, and she grabbed her spoon off the table and put it in her mouth. I took it from her and she started raising hell. I tried to feed her another bite and she clamped her mouth shut. Then I took her hand, placed the spoon in it, helped her scoop out some food and guided her hand to her mouth and she opened wide and took a bite! She wanted to do it by herself! Pretty soon she'll be walking and won't need me anymore.
At Smiley's adoption party, Bubbles would not go to anyone else(except my dad) because she wanted me. Someone would put their arms out to take her and she would just bury her little head in my shoulder. It was so sweet. On one hand, I wanted someone else to lug her around for a while, but just so tickled that she only wanted me.
Smiley is continuing to get better with his feeding. I can usually get him to eat three jars of baby food in under 30 minutes which is just awesome. I haven't used the feeding tube in a couple months, except Friday when we had a little emergency before court and I had to tube feed him to not be late and get his adoption outfit dirty. See Bubbles decided to have a blowout diaper that morning. She was literally covered from neck to toe on both sides. I had to wrap her in a blanket, carry her to the tub, and scrub her off. The blanket went to the garbage and L was gagging! We did make it to court on time, which was a miracle. You can always count on a diaper blowout when you have an important appointment.
It's still hard to believe I made it to the other side and became a mommy. I want to adopt a few more, so still a long struggle ahead. We're actually seriously considering a 12 year old freed for adoption and met him once. I'll have to give you the scoop on him soon.
At Smiley's adoption party, Bubbles would not go to anyone else(except my dad) because she wanted me. Someone would put their arms out to take her and she would just bury her little head in my shoulder. It was so sweet. On one hand, I wanted someone else to lug her around for a while, but just so tickled that she only wanted me.
Smiley is continuing to get better with his feeding. I can usually get him to eat three jars of baby food in under 30 minutes which is just awesome. I haven't used the feeding tube in a couple months, except Friday when we had a little emergency before court and I had to tube feed him to not be late and get his adoption outfit dirty. See Bubbles decided to have a blowout diaper that morning. She was literally covered from neck to toe on both sides. I had to wrap her in a blanket, carry her to the tub, and scrub her off. The blanket went to the garbage and L was gagging! We did make it to court on time, which was a miracle. You can always count on a diaper blowout when you have an important appointment.
It's still hard to believe I made it to the other side and became a mommy. I want to adopt a few more, so still a long struggle ahead. We're actually seriously considering a 12 year old freed for adoption and met him once. I'll have to give you the scoop on him soon.
At 7:28 PM,
Happy Mama to Three said…
Blowouts, and spitting up were always GUARANTEED if I had someone to be or if I was running late. It never failed.
I am so so happy for you and your kidlets.
Take care
At 7:18 AM,
Jo said…
We had a blowout diaper at my grandpa's funeral last year. GROSS. Hubby picked up G and was going to hand her to me and i looked at his shirt and was like GROSS! Then we went back to the nursery and sure enough we knew EVERY spot she had been sitting and playing in. Guess the nursery people had plugged noses and were NOT very attentive.
At 2:05 PM,
Runergirl said…
What a big girl!!! She loves her mama, I saw that on Halloween:)
At 1:58 PM,
Heather@To Sow a Seed said…
So, so, so happy for you!!!! Thanks for sharing your joy!
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