And You Thought this Case Couldn't get any worse...
Here is the crap I'm now having to put up with for Bubbles:
1. Caseworker enrolled Bubbles' little brother at our daycare. Now both her parents(one with a history of violence) can come in and out of our daycare anytime. Teacher would have said they didn't have openings had she known who he was, but caseworker tricked her and didn't tell her.
2. Why is caseworker enrolling him in daycare? He is not in foster care. Isn't that mom's responsibility? Why should she get state paid daycare when dad is not working?
3. Mom and dad brought an Ig*uana to her visit at M*c D*nald's! Caseworker said nothing, even as he stuck the thing in Bubbles' face. Dad later fed her 3 month old brother Bubbles' baby food I had sent for her to eat! Again nothing was said about the fact that he's way too young for babyfood and that they were stealing BUBBLE'S food to give their other child. Yes, I can afford to lose a jar of babyfood, but it makes me wonder if they cannot feed the little one. They also have a cat in the house that sleeps in the bed with the baby.
4. Bubbles has been having a bad flare up of her wheezing this week and we've been doing breathing treatments about 4 times a day.
4. Caseworker called L and said she would be starting overnight and weekend visits soon. As far as I know(and CASA confirmed this) the judge has not permitted unsupervised visits. Can this be done without a court order?
Her attorney and CASA will beging fighting this on Monday, so next week could be really bad for us. Please send prayers. These people completely ignore her health condition and that scares the hell out of me!
1. Caseworker enrolled Bubbles' little brother at our daycare. Now both her parents(one with a history of violence) can come in and out of our daycare anytime. Teacher would have said they didn't have openings had she known who he was, but caseworker tricked her and didn't tell her.
2. Why is caseworker enrolling him in daycare? He is not in foster care. Isn't that mom's responsibility? Why should she get state paid daycare when dad is not working?
3. Mom and dad brought an Ig*uana to her visit at M*c D*nald's! Caseworker said nothing, even as he stuck the thing in Bubbles' face. Dad later fed her 3 month old brother Bubbles' baby food I had sent for her to eat! Again nothing was said about the fact that he's way too young for babyfood and that they were stealing BUBBLE'S food to give their other child. Yes, I can afford to lose a jar of babyfood, but it makes me wonder if they cannot feed the little one. They also have a cat in the house that sleeps in the bed with the baby.
4. Bubbles has been having a bad flare up of her wheezing this week and we've been doing breathing treatments about 4 times a day.
4. Caseworker called L and said she would be starting overnight and weekend visits soon. As far as I know(and CASA confirmed this) the judge has not permitted unsupervised visits. Can this be done without a court order?
Her attorney and CASA will beging fighting this on Monday, so next week could be really bad for us. Please send prayers. These people completely ignore her health condition and that scares the hell out of me!
At 4:45 PM,
TeamWinks said…
Seriously? What on Earth is the caseworker thinking?! I don't even know what to say about all this. I will be thinking about you guys this week, and hoping thins get sorted out soon.
At 8:17 PM,
happyadoptingmom said…
I am so sorry. I can not believe your supervisor during the visits do not document the inappropriate behavior. I am praying God lets the judge see the real truth that these parents are not prepared to parent bubbles.
At 9:19 PM,
Unknown said…
Is it legal to bring an animal into a McDonald's unless it's a seeing-eye dog or something like that? I hope the CASA worker and attorney can get something good going for poor Bubbles and especially her brother. That caseworker needs to be reported. I'll be praying for you and the kids.
At 10:02 AM,
Courtney said…
What is wrong with that caseworker??? I sure hope he judge and CASA get thing straightened out.
At 3:54 PM,
animallvr said…
A CAT IN THE BED WITH THE BABY???!! You know that cat is probably unvaccinated and has not been checked by a vet. Not only is the child at risk for Rabies if bitten. There have been 3 animal Rabies cases in LA this year. Cats are well known for carrying ringworm as well as Coccidiosis & toxoplasmosis(which can be fatal in immuno compromised people and YOUNG CHILDREN). Not to mention intestinal worms such as hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms. That's really scary. Not to mention the things I already told you about iguanas!
At 7:49 PM,
Queen of the House said…
Oh my goodness. I'll be sending thoughts and prayers that somebody wakes those caseworkers up!!!!!
At 9:04 PM,
Marthavmuffin said…
maybe the worker thinks they will lose custody & you will get baby? i still think this case souinds like it will go to tpr. you are in my prayers!
At 4:13 AM,
Unknown said…
That caseworker sounds like an idiot and needs to be told so.
My neice got a slight case of SALMONELLA poisoning from handling and iguana, and then being a kid, putting hands to her mouth before washing them. I'd never have one around little ones after that.
Many prayers the judge and CASA get things handled properly.
At 7:18 AM,
Julie said…
THIS TOTALLY SUCKS!!! I hate it when they- cw - go out on a limb and do their own thing without the permissions of others- here in tx. cw CANNOT have even have a visit moved without the written conscent of the others involved- CASA and Attorney Ad Litem. Much less schedule over nights! It sounds like you will be in a case just like me- Hang in there- I am learning a ton- but it is according to our state maybe some of it will help- :(
At 4:18 PM,
Runergirl said…
I will be praying for your family. Let me know if I can do anything!!!
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