L and K went out to eat tonight while I was in class and guess whose table they were seated next too?
Bubbles' parents!
From the conversation L learned(assuming no lies were told) that overnight and weekend visits will be starting at the end of the month. Also, when baby brother went into care, dad asked him to be placed with us. They told dad we couldn't take him(a lie) and he was not too happy about both babies being moved since we were willing to take both.
Also, he said the current foster parents ran a background check without his permission(is that illegal?). His new attorney found out somehow. Dad is now employed, so both have jobs now, which is good. According to them, they also have their own place now. It seems her parents are doing some good things, but have they stopped doing the bad things is the question, and I do not have the answer.
Dad also said when Bubbles starts coming for overnight visits and returns home we were welcome to visit(and even babysit, cause they go out a lot)! I'm not holding my breath, but it would be nice. We'll see.
I think I made the right decision letting her go when she did. I don't think I could handle going back and forth and sick all the time.
Keep Bubbles in your prayers, and her dad, that they both stay safe and secure.
Oh yeah, Dad paid for L and K's dinner. . .
Bubbles' parents!
From the conversation L learned(assuming no lies were told) that overnight and weekend visits will be starting at the end of the month. Also, when baby brother went into care, dad asked him to be placed with us. They told dad we couldn't take him(a lie) and he was not too happy about both babies being moved since we were willing to take both.
Also, he said the current foster parents ran a background check without his permission(is that illegal?). His new attorney found out somehow. Dad is now employed, so both have jobs now, which is good. According to them, they also have their own place now. It seems her parents are doing some good things, but have they stopped doing the bad things is the question, and I do not have the answer.
Dad also said when Bubbles starts coming for overnight visits and returns home we were welcome to visit(and even babysit, cause they go out a lot)! I'm not holding my breath, but it would be nice. We'll see.
I think I made the right decision letting her go when she did. I don't think I could handle going back and forth and sick all the time.
Keep Bubbles in your prayers, and her dad, that they both stay safe and secure.
Oh yeah, Dad paid for L and K's dinner. . .
At 9:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Bubbles and her family, if they can keep/get on the right track, I would definitely support the reunification...
I'm very impressed about him paying for the dinner! Definitely shows some (newfound?) maturity/responsibility
At 7:57 AM,
Julie said…
WOW- glad you feel better about that move-
At 12:02 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
At 3:14 PM,
Unknown said…
That would be a shocker! Of all the gin joints in the world......
Running a background check on someone isn't illegal. You can pay to get it done on line. Scary, huh. But foster dad shouldn't have done it. What's the point?? Stupid.
Glad to see he's getting his shiz together. Let's hope it ALL his shiz.......
At 7:25 PM,
Lisa said…
They are doing some good things, but dad has a violent past and it will take some serious effort for him to change, and last I heard, he has yet to admit he has a problem.
Mom is in a bad situation with really no way out, so I have more sympathy for her. If she would take the unsafe dad out of the picture, my views toward reunification would change, but I fear for the babies' safety next time he gets angry.
Also, it's hard to tell fact from fiction...I mean, Smiley's mom said her house was haunted!
I'll just keep praying for her safety.
At 7:06 AM,
Amanda said…
What an odd coincidence... and they paid for dinner? Weird!
At 10:24 AM,
Queen of the House said…
Um... wow!!! I am totally shocked.
At 6:46 PM,
Lisa said…
not too odd a coincidence. We live in a small town and her parents live within 10 miles of us.
L didn't have the opportunity to not accept dinner paid. He went to pay and was told the other couple took care of it.
I just found it kinda odd because they sent one can of formula in the nine months we had her. Smiley's mom brought stuff every visit. It was all too nasty to use, but she at least made effort.
I just fear this dad's temper and would like to see him accept that he has a problem and get treatment for it. Two kids have recently been killed by their bio parents in the area being returned too soon.
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