I'm Considering Going Private
As you can probably tell, I am not allowing anonymous comments anymore. Yes, I'm probably letting my troll win, but if they're too chicken sh*t to claim their comment, then I don't need them commenting.
I'm thinking of going private since I'm obviously full of sh*t anyway and I have nothing better to do than make up lies about my baby's parents. It's funny how I "make up" all this stuff, yet CASA and my baby's attorney have the police records and mental health records to back it up. It can also be verfied that dad has been in and out of jail. No lies, just evidence. I wish it wasn't true. I wish I could feel assured that my baby would be safe and well-cared for by her parents. I actually believe Smiley's mom would be able to care for her better than they could.
Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but it's been an emotional week with Princess' 1st birthday coming and going and I just don't have any fight in me. If I defend myself, they win. If I don't, they win too so why bother anymore.
I'll give you some time to email me if you want an invite if I make that decsion. I'll probably send an automatic invite to everyone who is at the palace.
What do you think?
I'm thinking of going private since I'm obviously full of sh*t anyway and I have nothing better to do than make up lies about my baby's parents. It's funny how I "make up" all this stuff, yet CASA and my baby's attorney have the police records and mental health records to back it up. It can also be verfied that dad has been in and out of jail. No lies, just evidence. I wish it wasn't true. I wish I could feel assured that my baby would be safe and well-cared for by her parents. I actually believe Smiley's mom would be able to care for her better than they could.
Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but it's been an emotional week with Princess' 1st birthday coming and going and I just don't have any fight in me. If I defend myself, they win. If I don't, they win too so why bother anymore.
I'll give you some time to email me if you want an invite if I make that decsion. I'll probably send an automatic invite to everyone who is at the palace.
What do you think?
At 9:37 PM,
FosterAbba said…
Don't let the trolls get you.
Learn to use the delete button, instead. :)
At 9:49 PM,
soralis said…
So sorry about the troll. Hope all works out with bubbles
At 10:01 PM,
Julie said…
Gosh, sorry there are nasty people about! *sigh* What is the world coming too!
Oh, I moved my blog. I'm now at http://multipleblessings.wordpress.com
I'd love to be invited if you go private. I am a reader in the palace. :)
(was julie@junglemom.com, now junglemomX4@gmail.com)
At 10:03 PM,
Awesome Mom said…
I think that this blog could be a very valuable resource for others that are thinking about adopting. Don't let the trolls win.
At 10:23 PM,
Felicia said…
Sometimes I hate people!!!
Maybe going private isn't such a bad thing. you might be able to really vent.
At 10:24 PM,
Stephanie said…
I have been a lurker for a while. I have tried to sign before but always have some problems. Please do not let the trools destroy you, just delete them. I was considering fostering last year before my mom passed away suddenly(10/21/06) Now that the wounds are beginning to heal I am considering it again. I would love for you to invite me to the Palace and also allow me to continue reading this site. Please do not be discouraged, you are doing an excellent job with the kids.
At 10:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am signing for the first time, I had problems before so I'm glad now I'm able to sign in! Don't let those nasty comments get to you, I know it's hard. I think you are doing a wonderful job. I am considering fostering and would appreciate any advice you can give to me. I would love to have a invite to the palace if you do decide to go private. Hang in there.
Take care,
At 7:08 AM,
Laurie said…
I understand your points. I would love to be invited. I am a reader at the palace. Through my family email address so you may not recognize the one I log on here with for my blog.
However you do it is entirely up to you. Some days it's sensitive information and blogging can be good therapy. I know many will follow you. Know that you ARE doing an AMAZING job with these children. Truly an inspiration to me. You have no reason to fabricate anything. Just try not to give that negative nobody any power. It takes too much of your energy. You have babies to use that energy on.
Thoughts and prayers.
already a reader at the palace.
without the spaces
At 7:10 AM,
Queen of the House said…
I'm sorry you were taken by a Troll during a bad week. ((((HUGS))) TRY (I know easier said than done) to not get it get to you. You know the truth.
If you go private you might feel more comfortable talking more freely. Whatever you decide I'd like to continue on your journey with you. ;-)
At 10:20 AM,
Rebecca said…
I love your blog and read it as much as I can. I am a foster mom also and know how you feel! I am so sorry about the trolls! Please add me to your list if you go private.
At 1:09 PM,
Jenny said…
I'm sorry you have to deal with this...it just sucks. What you have to say is valuable...don't let the bad guys win. There are too many of us who need insight into the fostering world before we jump in ourselves..
At 4:33 PM,
Leanne said…
Well I would delete the troll comments and ignore them. But if you do decide to go private, please can I come? (my email is Leannehowe(at)gmail.com)
At 6:39 PM,
Unknown said…
Oh please don't go private! I love reading your blog...I'm a lurker from VA - I'm considering foster care also and I LOVE reading your blog. I would love to be ivited to the Palace, but I have no real grounds to be there other than a desire to one day foster kids...I love seeing the "inside" of the system and knowing that it's more than just warm and fuzzy helping kids!
At 8:38 PM,
Tamara said…
Attention Troll: You suck!
So sorry they've got you down. The real people out there understand.
At 10:24 PM,
megasam said…
I am so sorry that you are having a rough week with that horrible troll and what would have been Princess's birthday. I have been a lurker and never signed before but I love reading your blog. I am so inspired by you and what you have been able to do for these precious children. I understand if you go private, but I would love to still follow your blog. I have never been to the palace as I feel like maybe I would be lurking too much but I would love to still be able to follow you and know how the little sweeties are doing. I have always been interested in foster care, especially since we can no longer have more children, and reading your blog helps me to see how it works. I hope that you are able to have a better week, and if you do go private may I please follow along?
At 10:56 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
WOW I guess I ma slow getting here and am so sorry if you have had stupid fools getting in your face... hang in there and I do hope I would be invited....don't let them win.
At 7:40 AM,
Happy Mama to Three said…
I think we do what we have to do to keep our piece of mind. If the troll is bothering you then private for a while isn't the end of the world, nor does it have to stay private forever. You do what you need to do and we will just follow along, keep reading, and keep praying for the little people you love so much.
A dedicated AIParenting Mama.
At 7:46 AM,
Unknown said…
Don't let the trolls get to you. Stupid people have nothing better to do. I am a reader at the palace so if you decide to go private please invite me. Love to the babies.
At 8:33 AM,
Jo said…
So Sorry you had to deal with this. It's easy to say not to let the trolls get to you but you are the one who has to read the comments initially.
Keep up the good work.
At 9:36 AM,
Unknown said…
Gotta love trolls...
Don't forget about me when you switch over!
At 3:06 PM,
Sparks said…
Wow I'm so sorry for all that you have been through this week. Some people are just mean.. I hope that they will stay away now. But if you choose to go private I would love to continue to follow your journey, I'm a reader of the palace too.
So how did things turn out for Bubbles brother, did he come into care today? Probably to many questions, but from what I have read it is the best thing for both of them!!
At 4:20 PM,
Iselyahna said…
I think it sucks that you're having this problem in the first place :/
At 5:08 PM,
Runergirl said…
I understand and have been thinking the same thing about my blog. Trolls SUCK!!!!
At 7:25 PM,
GLouise said…
I was just about to recommend that you take away the ability to post as "anonymous." :-) If you need to go private for a while, we understand!!!
At 12:25 AM,
Aubrey said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 12:55 PM,
Welshie said…
Oh, I hope that you will allow me access to your blog! I have been reading for so long now.
Bloody trolls.
Debbie in the UK
At 12:12 AM,
Kathy said…
I am so sorry that you've had to deal with trolls!
They've been at my blog too, and I also made it so they couldn't post anonymous comments. It's sickening that people can be so hateful, but they'll get theirs in the end.
I hope that you won't go private, because I love reading your blog and you've helped me on my journey adopting through the foster care system by sharing your experiences. I also understand if you feel like making your blog private though.
At 7:00 AM,
Welshie said…
Oh dear me, some people are so cruel. I cannot understand them for the life of me!! I would just rise above it. If they are too fucking scared to leave their details then screw them!
Love (and support)
At 1:14 PM,
mommiebear2 said…
I think it is completely up to you which ever way you go with dealing with the trolls. :)
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