They Took Her
After hearing we wanted her, they decided they would "try her out."
She's not a toy.
I know I should have been prepared for this, but I've REALLY been needing some good news.
We are now on the list to call for newborns in that area, so maybe another will come along.
She's not a toy.
I know I should have been prepared for this, but I've REALLY been needing some good news.
We are now on the list to call for newborns in that area, so maybe another will come along.
At 10:24 AM,
Mommy to those Special Ks said…
I'm so sorry :(. Praying the right baby comes into your life soon.
At 12:01 PM,
Northernmum said…
It has always been in my experience that if I was the one who has heard though the foster parent "GRAPEVINE" of a child in need of a placement that I BELIEVE is the perfect fit for our family,
If I call the social workers about that child they automatically become defensive, and try harder to make the original plan work.....( they Hate when foster parents) talk to one another......
Anyway you mentioned that they were going to "try" her out, and this is their first placement, Perhaps this home is scared to say NO incase they don't offer another child, because they turned down this oppertunity......I remember on more then one occasion saying yes to placement when I knew in my heart it wasn't in our family's best interest......Some times they SW make it impossib;e to say NO
It doesn't make it right but, given these are NEW foster parents with no previous experience with a medically challenged infant....They may vary well be calling and begging you to take this baby......
The worker is probably kicking herself for not finding and inquiring about your home in the first place.
At 10:31 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
Hang on just sit and wait.... just wait Prayers...
At 7:26 AM,
Tamara said…
Oh man. I hope they know the challenges they are up for. A child with no medical needs is a handful enough as it is. I cannot imagine being a brand new foster parent. And I cannot imagine saying I'd "try her out". Ugh.
I can't wait to read about when your next placement call comes in and actually results in a BABY!!! I'm keeping ya'll in my prayers for the right placement.
At 12:56 PM,
FosterMommy said…
i can't imagine them deciding to "try her out" BECAUSE there was another, more experienced, foster family waiting to care for her. That's just weird.
I hope they figure out soon enough whether they can handle her needs or not, because that baby deserves someone who loves her and can care for her.
At 8:53 PM,
GLouise said…
Sorry to hear this :-(
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