Went in for ultrasound today. Sac measured 5w4d by size. They did not see a heartbeat yet(which concerned my dr a little), so did another HCG blood test. Level increased from 2805 Thursday afternoon to 19,000 something today, so something's gotta be going good right? Tuesday will go back. Pray for a heartbeat on Tuesday please.
At 6:49 PM,
Ms. J said…
Many prayers being sent your way.
Any possibility of conception date being off by a few?
The rising number is very good news!
At 12:04 AM,
sourpatchbaby said…
You do realize that you've become that woman right? The one that got pregnant as soon as she relaxed/adopted/forgot about it. lol, it couldn't have happened to a better deserving person. Sending sticky bean vibes your way.
At 4:54 AM,
GrowingUpLost said…
It's a little early to be seeing a heartbeat from my experience. Generally, my OBGYN says that you won't be able to see the heartbeat til about 7wks. If you see it before then, you're really lucky. So don't fret!
At 5:32 AM,
Unknown said…
Normally heartbeats are not detected on ultrasounds until 6 wks! I would not be terrible worried just yet
At 7:42 AM,
StarfishMom said…
could have been too early...
praying...... :)
At 11:45 AM,
Julie said…
Lisa- I am so excited for you!! This is just how God does things- SURPRISE!!! :)
At 11:54 AM,
Welshie said…
Pray, pray pray for a heartbeat.....
At 5:34 PM,
Lisa said…
Gonna wait two weeks to go back. Not gonna stress myself with another ultrasound so soon. Can't change anything either way.
At 9:34 PM,
MommyNay said…
wow Im going through something similar! I am 7 weeks now. At 5 weeks I had an ultrasound that saw nothing at all! at 6 weeks two gestational sacs(no fetal pole/heartbeat) I am supposed to go back on Tuesday and get another ultra sound...I will be 7weeks3days--thinking of waiting another week "just in case" Im a nervous wreck!
Congrats! Today you are pregnant! I am hoping it was just too soon for both of us...oh and my sacs both measured 5.4weeks too!
At 6:13 AM,
SD said…
Soooo excited!
Sounds good your level rose to 19,000----you are indeed Preggo! Don't fret over the heart beat (it's early!)
At 2:46 PM,
happyadoptingmom said…
Praying you see the heart beat next time. I am sooo HAPPY for you!!
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